Transform Confusion into Clarity, and Pain into Peace


Reconnect With You

The Warrior Heart Practice is a revolutionary method to reconnect with yourself and move forward out of pain.

Based on the four chambers of the human heart, the Warrior Heart Practice walks you through Feeling, Story, Truth, and Intent to find emotional clarity, healing, and inner freedom.

“By walking bravely with open hearts through the Four Chambers, we navigate the turbulent waters of life to overcome depression, alienation, and wounding. We emerge empowered with the warrior’s heart energy to become a beacon of light in our world.”

— Luisah Teish

How It Works


Learn to experience your physical and emotional body, gently sitting with your emotions and experiencing them consciously


Bear witness to the story that you are telling yourself, leaning in to listen to your own fears and doubts without censoring them


Cross into a moment of stillness, putting aside a need to be right or desired or understood, in favor of the calm clarity of ultimate truth


Carrying this new Truth with you, you can formulate a focused commitment and intention.

Finally, in a pivotal moment, you will walk back through the four chambers to learn your new Truth, listen to your new Story, and process your Feelings. This final integration step will center you in your heart’s wisdom, reconnecting you to your authenticity and inner knowing, realigning with your true nature, and guiding you in determining your next best steps for any situation.

The Creator

HeatherAsh Amara is the best-selling author of The Warrior Heart Practice, the Warrior Goddess series, and several other books.

Her teachings feature her open-hearted worldview and unique blend of European Shamanism, Toltec wisdom, Buddhism, and Native American ceremony.

HeatherAsh has trained and taught extensively with don Miguel Ruiz, author of The Four Agreements.

She currently lives in Santa Fe and travels to teach international audiences. Find her at


Find a certified Warrior Heart Practice Facilitator

Certified Facilitators are personally trained by HeatherAsh Amara to teach and share The Warrior Heart Practice.


Download the introduction and the first two chapters, and see how The Warrior Heart Practice can change your life.